This First Regular Meeting of the Brant Town Board was held on Tuesday September 12, 2023 at the Brant Town Hall, located at 1272 Brant North Collins Rd, Brant, New York at 7:00 PM.




Mark DeCarlo                                    Supervisor

Donna Marien                                   Councilwoman

Linda Giancarlo                                 Councilwoman

Janice Ross                                         Councilwoman

Barbara Daniel                                   Recording Secretary



Michael Muffoletto                        Councilman




Meg Pantera                                      Resident

Lynda Ostrowski                               Sec to Boards    

Joe Ostrowski                                    Planning Board Chairman

Ellsworth Nolan                                Highway Superintendent

Allen Nolan                                         Caretaker

Kristen Podkulski                              Resident

Joe Giancarlo                                     Resident

Maria Otrosinka                                Resident

Mark Slawek                                      Chief of Police

Michael Donlin                                  Resident

Ann Moritz                                          North Collins

Brian Rott                                            Resident


The meeting opened at 7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.


APPROVE MINUTES of the AUGUST 8, 2023 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING:  Councilwoman Ross motioned to approve the August 8th minutes and was seconded by Councilwoman Giancarlo.  4 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.




TOWN CLERK/TAX COLLECTOR’S JULY 2023 FINANCIAL REPORT: Councilwoman Giancarlo made a motion to approve the Town Clerk’s July 2023 Financial report, seconded by Supervisor DeCarlo.  4 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED


COURT CLERK’S JULY 2023 FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR KACZMAREK & GIER REGULAR AND BAIL ACCOUNTS: Councilwoman Ross motioned to approve both Bail and Regular Financial accounts for Justice Kaczmarek’s & Justice Gier for July 2023, seconded by Councilwoman Marien. 4 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.


HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT REPORT: The Highway Superintendent presented his August Highway Report.  Along with the regular monthly duties, the Superintendent noted the Surfside work to unplug the drains.  He presented photos of the project.  They blacktopped the Hammond Road project where they replaced the culvert pipe.  There were shared services between the Highway Department and the parks department, village of Farnham, Town of Eden, Town and Village of North Collins.  Hauling and chipping stone for a little over 7 miles this year.   The new dump trailer is being started this week.  He would like to order a new Sparter Box.  He obtained 2 quotes.  One from Valley Fab for $8,649.20 and one from Monte’s in the amount of $7,900.00.  The current one we have is for a pickup truck and it will sit too far back making the front end pick up.  Councilwoman Giancarlo made a motion to approve the purchase from Monte’s in the amount of $7,900.00 and was seconded by Supervisor DeCarlo. A roll call vote was taken: Councilwoman Giancarlo-aye, Supervisor DeCarlo-aye, Councilwoman Marien-aye, Councilwoman Ross-aye.  4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.


A question regarding the number of roads the Town oils and stones.  The answer: Almost 13.

A question regarding if the Town staggers roads to be oil and stoned annually:  The answers was yes.


Ellsworth advised the Town Board that he down to a half man right now due to an injury by one employee.  He requested the Town Board to post an opening in the paper.  The Superintendent was asked to submit a job description.  He noted the CDL license required.  The job title will be a Motor Equipment Operator.


Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to approve the report as presented, seconded by Councilwoman Ross.  4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.


POLICE REPORT FOR JULY 2023:  Chief Mark Slawek presented the August police activity report.  Some of the monthly activity included assisting Dog Control one time.  98 premise checks.  Three funeral escort.  320 gallons of fuel used, 4,466 miles.  At this time, Slawek requested the approval to appoint Tyler Kender who is going through the Academy.  He has completed Phase 1 and is about to enter Phase 2.  Due to the new NYS Mandates, the Town must pay $500 for a Psych evaluation for the police position.  He then thanked Allen Nolan for assistance in solving a recent crime.   When Slawek completed is report, he asked the Town Board to approve a few more officers that are ready to work.  The Supervisor then suggested the chief put together a list of applicants and let him know to set up a special meeting to approve the hire. 

Councilwoman Giancarlo motioned to approve the report as read, seconded by Supervisor DeCarlo.  4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.


APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENT OF PHASE 1 LEVEL OFFICER: Councilwoman Giancarlo motioned to approve the appointment of Tyler Kender who has completed his Phase 1 of training, and will be entering Phase 2 on November 6th.  He must then complete 160 hours of field training before being on his own.  He will be subject to a psychiatric evaluation at a cost of $500 which the Town must pay.  The rate of pay will $22.66 per hour.  A probationary period of eighteen months beginning today.  Councilwoman Ross seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was taken: Councilwoman Giancarlo-aye, Councilwoman Ross-aye, Councilwoman Marien-aye, Supervisor DeCarlo-aye.  4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.


TOWN CLERK’S AUGUST 2023 ACTIVITY REPORT TO THE BOARD: The Town Clerk read her August 2023 Activity report.  The Town Clerk presented her report for August.  She then requested to increase her deputies pay to match the amount paid to Deputies by the Village of Farnham, $18.00/hour.  The Supervisor then motioned to accept the Town Clerk’s report as presented.  Councilwoman Marien seconded the motion.  4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.


DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL OF PAY INCREASE FOR DEPUTY CLERK POSITION:  After a lengthy discussion regarding what was remaining in the Town Clerk’s budget, it was noted that bringing the pay amount to $18.00/hour, the Clerk’s office Deputy budget would not be expended by the end of the year.  Other amounts were discussed, but the final approval was to bring the deputy pay from $16.45 per hour to $18.00 per hour.  Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to approve the pay increase of the Deputy Clerk position to $18.00 per hour.  Councilwoman Ross seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was taken: Supervisor DeCarlo-aye, Councilwoman Ross-aye, Councilwoman Giancarlo-abstain, Councilwoman Marien-aye, 3 ayes, 1 abstain, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.


PLANNING & ZONING BOARD REPORT: The Secretary to the Planning Board read the Planning Board report.  Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to approve the report as read, seconded by Councilwoman Marien.  4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.


RECREATION REPORT:  No report was presented.


PARK’S REPORT:  No report presented.  Caretaker Allen Nolan noted he is beginning his winterizing of the various park areas.




BRANT FARNHAM SENIORS REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 2023: The Secretary presented her report for the September meeting.  Councilwoman Ross motioned to approve the report as read, seconded by Councilwoman Giancarlo.  4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.


CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER’S REPORT: No report was presented for August.  The Code Officer was at training.




Miscellaneous discussion:


  • CDBG PICKLEBALL PARK PROJECT UPDATE:  Supervisor DeCarlo mentioned the Pickleball court work will begin on September 25th.  He noted that a preconstruction meeting was held with the contracting Engineer.


  • HIGHWAY TRUCK:  Supervisor DeCarlo mentioned that the contracts for the highway truck is complete and the Town will be taking a delivery either this week of early next week.




SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR LOCAL LAW #1-2023: Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to set the public hearing for Proposed Local Law #1-2023 for Tuesday October 10th at 7:30 PM.  Councilwoman Marien seconded the motion.  4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.


SYNCHRONET TO BE REQUIREMENT FOR ENTIRE TOWN HALL: Supervisor Mark DeCarlo began discussions regarding the new requirement that all Town Departments use the IT Company “Synchronet”.  The Town Clerk expressed her disapproval because a thousand dollars a month is too much.  She also noted her server is separate.  Supervisor DeCarlo stated concern over firewalls and that all departments share the same firewall. The Town Clerk was against changing her IT servicer who charges $40 per hour.  She noted the recent charges of over one thousand dollars charged by Synchronet for a new battery backup was far more than it would have been if we had purchased one and installed it ourselves.  She expressed that as a taxpayer herself, she is against being overcharged for something that should have been much less.  The Town Clerk asked if we could look into what other companies could offer for the same service? 


At this time, Councilwoman Giancarlo made a motion to approve retaining Synchronet for the entire Town Hall.  The Supervisor asked the Town Clerk if she was ok with this.  The Town Clerk stated she wants to know if Dave Sink can be her IT person through Synchronet.  Supervisor DeCarlo answered that Synchronet mentioned they would be open to that.


Supervisor DeCarlo then mentioned the three phases to the project would be:


  1. Phase one is to install the updated Firewall and getting the internet set up: $1,200.00
  2. Phase two would integrate all the Town emails which would add another $2,200.00
  3. Then to completely revamp the servers would add around $15,000.00.


Councilwoman Marien seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was taken: Councilwoman Giancarlo-aye, Councilwoman Marien-aye, Councilwoman Ross, Supervisor DeCarlo-aye.  4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.



The Supervisor asked if anyone had anything to report. 


COUNCILWOMAN MARIEN: Councilwoman Marien Noted that she supervised the last ewaste event.  She stated the event resulted in 3 pallets.


COUNCILWOMAN ROSS: Nothing to report






MIKE DONLIN OF 165 LOTUS POINT ROAD:    Mr. Donlin addressed the Board regarding his attempt to obtain a permit to run a dog breeding business.  He put his application in a month ago and was told he may have to get a Special Use Permit.  He stated the business if to breed small dogs and facility would be indoors.  Supervisor DeCarlo responded that he will look into it, and noted that the Code Officer was not present at this meeting. Donlin noted that his property is Agricultural/residential.  He added he is already a licensed dealer through NYS.


ANN MORITZ OF NORTH COLLINS:  Ann addressed the Board with information regarding a windmill project being proposed that would require transmission lines through Towns and private properties.  She addressed the effects of the project and the leases that would limit a home owners use of their property for 49 years.  The project would erect 35 to 40 six-hundred-and fifty-foot tall windmills.  Eden and North Collins have put in a moratorium.  Home rule goes away meaning the State can supersede it partially or wholly.  She urges residents to not sign these leases. She advises residents to visit www.NoWindProject.wixfite.com to learn more about the project being proposed.  Councilwoman Giancarlo asked the speaker to send any literature or information she may have regarding the company proposing the project, to the Town Supervisor.  She will send the Supervisor a copy of the proposal and a copy of the leases.  She advised that the company representatives are going to people’s homes again and again trying to push them to sign the lease.  Monthly meetings are held to educate land owners. Supervisor DeCarlo asked to have the information put on our webpage.  Ms. Moritz will bring information to the Town Hall regarding the monthly meetings.  The Town Clerk will then put the information on the Town website.


The secretary to the Senior’s asked Ms. Moritz if she could speak to the Senior’s at the next Senior meeting.  Ms. Moritz will attend the next meeting to address the seniors at the first Wednesday of the Month of October.

PLANNING BOARD APPOINTMENT TO REPLACE JANET BOWMAN: Supervisor DeCarlo mentioned receiving a letter from Diane Czyz requesting appointment to the Planning Board to fill the recently vacated position held by Janet Bowman.  The term will end in 2025.  Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to approve the appoint and was seconded by the balance of the Town Board.  4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.


Meetings & Correspondence: 


  • The first September sales tax remittance is in. The current transfer rate is 1.51 % less than the corresponding 2022 amount. Year-to-date transfers are running 4.08% above last year at this time.
  • Supervisor DeCarlo then advised that a recent notice from the County Clerk’s office reported that the projected Mortgage tax (which is shared by Towns) will fall 2.2 million below the expected revenue which was earlier reported to be 7 million.  This will impact municipal budgets.


Supervisor DeCarlo announced the next regular Town Board meeting will be Tuesday October 10, 2023 at 7 PM.  


Supervisor DeCarlo read the Abstract (9 of 2023):


ABSTRACT 9 of 2023


*Prepaid and unpaid as of 9/12/23 Total Claims $ 126,662.26


Gen Fund Town wide Vouchers Totaling: $ 103,210.34

Gen Fund – Part Town Voucher Totaling: $ 8,448.15

Highway T.W. Vouchers Totaling: $ 0

Highway P.T. Vouchers, Totaling:  $ 11,834.72

Street Lighting:  Voucher Totaling:  $ 2,369.05

Brant Water Dist 1 (SS2&SW):  – Totaling $ 800.00


PAYROLL (2 pay periods):


General Town Wide Payroll 8/12/23-9/1/23 – Totaling $ 102,749.04

General Part Town Payroll   8/12/23-9/1/23 Totaling:  $ 756.34

Highway Payroll TW 8/12/23-9/1/23 Totaling:  $ 0

Highway Payroll PT 8/12/23-9/1/23 Totaling:  $ 5,476.30


Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to approve Abstract 9 of 2023, seconded by Councilwoman Ross. A roll-call vote was taken: Supervisor DeCarlo-aye, Councilwoman Ross-aye, Councilwoman Giancarlo-aye, Councilwoman Marien-aye.  4 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.


At 8:07 pm, Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to adjourn the meeting in memory of Richard Borosky and John Scalise.  Councilwoman Giancarlo requested the addition of Phyllis Ann Morris (mother of Marcy Muffoletto) and Marge Frawley (wife of the late Mayor Frawley).  Councilwoman Marien seconded the motion.  4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.


Respectfully submitted by,


Barbara J Daniel

Brant Town Clerk