This First Regular Meeting of the Brant Town Board was held on Tuesday July 11, 2023 at the Brant Town Hall, located at 1272 Brant North Collins Rd, Brant, New York at 7:00 PM.


Present were:


Mark DeCarlo                                    Supervisor

Donna Marien                                   Councilwoman

Linda Giancarlo                                 Councilwoman

Janice Ross                                         Councilwoman

Michael Muffoletto                        Councilman

Barbara Daniel                                   Recording Secretary






Frank Broughton                              Zoning Board Chairman

Debra Ritz                                           Planning Board member

Brian Rott                                            Resident             

Patty Friend                                        Town Historian

Lynda Ostrowski                               Sec to Boards    

Joe Ostrowski                                    Planning Board Chairman

E. Huffnagle                                       Farnham Deputy Mayor

Ellsworth Nolan                                Highway Superintendent

Kristen Podkulski                              Resident

Joe Giancarlo                                     Resident

Maria Otrosinka                                Resident

Tish Brady                                           Resident

Bill Kender                                          Representative of NY Citizen’s Audit

Mark Slawek                                      Chief of Police


The meeting opened at 7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

APPROVE MINUTES of the JUNE 13, 2023 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING:  Councilwoman Giancarlo motioned to approve the minutes of the meeting and was seconded by Councilwoman Ross.  5 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.

SUPERVISOR’S FINANCIAL REPORT: Councilman Muffoletto motioned to Supervisor’s Financial report, seconded by Councilwoman Marien.  5 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.

TOWN CLERK/TAX COLLECTOR’S MAY 2023 FINANCIAL REPORT: Councilwoman Giancarlo made a motion to approve the Town Clerk’s May 2023 Financial report, seconded by Councilman Muffoletto.  5 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED

COURT CLERK’S MAY 2023 FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR KACZMAREK & GIER REGULAR AND BAIL ACCOUNTS: Councilwoman Ross motioned to approve both Bail and Regular Financial accounts for Justice Kaczmarek’s & Justice Gier for May 2023, seconded by Councilwoman Giancarlo. 5 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.

POLICE REPORT FOR JUNE 2023:  Chief Mark Slawek presented the June police activity report.  The Chief thanked Allen and Ellsworth Nolan for their assistance in a recent federal case involving the Railroad and FBI.  Councilwoman Ross asked the Chief if he could have a police presence at the Monday night concerts in Farnham.  She explained that a child riding a bike was almost hit by a car that was going too fast cutting through the park.  They spoke about possibly putting up a barricade to stop vehicles from entering forbidden areas.  Dolly Huffnagle added a young man sits in the park sometimes as late as 10:30 at night.  Councilman Muffoletto stated that if Brant has no officer on duty, call Evans Police to have the Sheriff dispatched if the person is in the park loitering after its closed.  Councilwoman Giancarlo motioned to approve the report as read, seconded by Supervisor DeCarlo.  5 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.


HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT REPORT: The Highway Superintendent presented the June Highway Report.  He then advised the Town Board that the culvert pipe on the Hammond Road dead end is in worse shape than he thought.  Councilman Muffoletto asked for a cost estimate.  He wants to put a concrete bottom on it to keep the walls from caving in on it.  He prefers to make the repair using a boxed concrete culvert instead of Culvert pipe.  He noted that if they were to use Culvert pipe, it would require 2 lengths of 60-inch pipe at about $3,000 per length using State bid pricing.  He explained that if he used concrete to repair it, the price would be about $2,500 and $4,000.00 just for the concrete.  Discussion began regarding the roads current use.  It is shared by 2 property owners and it is an access road for National Grid. Councilwoman Giancarlo motioned to approve the repair up to $5,000.  Other options such as closing the road were further discussed.  It was noted that cones are to be put up to block access.  Councilman Muffoletto mentioned he will approach the utility company to see if they want the road.  Councilwoman Marien stated that she is paying frontage on that roadway and it is owned by the Town of Brant.  After much debate, the motion remained on the floor.  Councilwoman Ross seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was taken: Councilwoman Giancarlo-aye, Councilwoman Ross-aye, Councilman Muffoletto-NAY, Councilwoman Marien-aye, Supervisor DeCarlo-NAY.  3 ayes, 2 nays. MOTION CARRIED.


After voting on the issue, the Supervisor stated the Road should just be closed and barricaded.  They mentioned talking about it next month.  Councilwoman Marien stated it’s already been voted on.


TOWN CLERK’S JUNE 2023 ACTIVITY REPORT TO THE BOARD: The Town Clerk read her June 2023 Activity report.  Councilwoman Giancarlo motioned to approve the report as read, seconded by Councilwoman Marien.  5 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.


Discussion about the Town Clerk’s office printer needing possible replacement.  Deputy Clerk Kristen Podkulski was asked to look into being added to the agreement with the same Company Brant Court is with. 


APPROVE HIGHWAY REPORT:  Councilwoman Ross asked if the Board had approved the Highway’s monthly report.  It was noted that the report was not approved.  Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to approve the Highway report as presented, seconded by Councilwoman Ross.  5 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.

PLANNING BOARD REPORT: Secretary Ostrowski read the minutes of the July 5th Planning Board meeting. She noted that a new member is needed to fill the position of the recently resigned Janet Bowman.  Two alternates are also needed.  Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to accept the report as read, seconded by Councilwoman Marien.  5 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.

ZONING BOARD REPORT: The Town Clerk, who is also the Secretary to the Zoning Board of Appeals presented a report for the June 26 Public Hearing.  The hearing resulted in the approval of an area variance.  Councilwoman Ross motioned to approve the ZBA report as presented.  Supervisor DeCarlo seconded the motion.  5 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.

RECREATION REPORT:  No report was presented. Councilwoman Marien asked how many kids were enrolled.  Supervisor DeCarlo will have the number of children for the next meeting.

TOWN HISTORIAN REPORT: Town Historian Patty Friend noted that due to Brant Festival, no meeting was held for the month of June.  She is asking Town Residents who had a relative that served in Vietnam to contact her so they will be will put in the display at the Erie County Fair this year.  She received a package from Legislator Mills regarding funding available for the Historical Society.  She then advised that Father Jim who served our community for over 20 years was retiring from St. Anthony’s church for those who wish to mention it to him or send him a card.  Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to approve the report as read, seconded by Councilwoman Giancarlo.  5 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.

PARK’S REPORT:  Councilman Muffoletto acknowledged that the Baseball Diamond at the Brant Park looks nice.  He then spoke about the plants at the Memorial Park needing water.  The contractor who planted them recommends a maintenance program for the plants and to control the weeds.  Discussion regarding using a 55-gallon drum and a pump to water the plants.  They asked if there is a well at the Memorial Park.  Resident Brian Rott offered to donate a pump for the well, if there is electric onsite.  He offered to help with the project.

BRANT FARNHAM SENIORS REPORT FOR JULY 5TH 2023: The report was read by Lynda Ostrowski. Senior picnic is August 2ndCouncilwoman Giancarlo motioned to approve the report, and was seconded by Supervisor DeCarlo.  5 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.

NEXT EWASTE/TIRE EVENT: It was announced that the next eWaste and Tire disposal event will be held on the last Saturday of August from 9 am to noon at the Highway barns.  Councilwoman Marien added that if there is an electronic drop off anywhere, there should be no charge to drop off electronics anymore. 

GENERAL DISCUSSION: Discussed the purchase of a sign for the park entrance to announce events.  It was mentioned that the Highway Barn letters must be also repaired.

APPROVAL OF ENGINEER FOR PICKLEBALL PARK GRANT PROJECT: Councilwoman Giancarlo motioned to approve the Engineering services of Donald Gallo, Consulting Engineer, P.C. pending the review and approval of Town Attorney William Trask.  Supervisor DeCarlo seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was taken: Councilwoman Giancarlo-aye, Supervisor DeCarlo-aye, Councilman Muffoletto-aye, Councilwoman Marien-aye, Councilwoman Ross-aye.  5 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.

APPROVE ADVERTISEMENT AND BID OPENING DATE FOR PICKLEBALL BID REQUESTS: Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to approve the Advertisement for Bids for the Pickle Ball Grant Project, and named August 4th as the bid opening date.  Bids will be opened at 10:00 am.  The winning bid will be announced at the August 8th Town Board meeting.  Councilwoman Giancarlo seconded the motion.  5 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.

APPROVE THE HIRING OF BRIANNA BROWNING AS LIFEGUARD: Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to approve the hiring of Brianna Browning as lifeguard at a rate of pay of $15.70/hour.  Councilman Muffoletto seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was taken: Supervisor DeCarlo-aye, Councilman Muffoletto-aye, Councilwoman Giancarlo-aye, Councilwoman Marien-aye, Councilwoman Ross-aye.  5 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.




COUNCILWOMAN GIANCARLO:  Councilwoman Giancarlo spoke about the final figures for the 2023 Brant Summer Festival.  The event went beautifully.  The total expenditures for this year’s event amounted to $22,610.21 which were offset by donations, sponsorships and fundraising amounting to $20,924.00.  The total cost of the event to the Town after accounting for revenues was $1,686.21.  She thanked all those who worked hard to make the event successful.  Councilwoman Ross congratulated Giancarlo saying the event was beautiful.  Supervisor DeCarlo noted the great job on lining up the bands.


COUNCILWOMAN MARIEN: Councilwoman Marien announced the picnic tables will be ready for pick up on July 22.


COUNCILWOMAN ROSS: Inquired on the delivery date for the pick-up trucks.  It was noted that it could take up to 18 months for delivery. 




LYNDA OSTROWSKI of Versailles Plank Rd:  Asked the Town Board if they had made a decision about allowing free use of the Senior Community Building to host a craft show fundraiser to benefit the Farnham Fire Department.  The Board stated they cannot allow the fundraiser for that reason because if they do for one, they must do for the other.  It was noted that the free use can be used for a fundraiser for “SHARE” or “Operation Good Neighbor” as has been done in the past.


DOLLY HUFFNAGLE, Deputy Mayor of Farnham: Complained about lack of police presence in Farnham and break-ins are on the rise.  She complained that officers are spending their time in the Cemetery, instead of patrolling the area.  Councilwoman Giancarlo asked if there are any reports that have been filed regarding the break-ins.  Huffnagle responded yes. Chief Slawek stated he has received no reports.  It was then noted that the Sheriffs are responding to the incidents but are not sharing the information with Brant Police.  She then noted that the Street sign for Commercial and Perry was run over.  Supervisor DeCarlo stated he will get the County to make a new sign.


Meetings & Correspondence: 

  • The first July sales tax remittance is in. The current transfer rate is 11.09 % greater than the corresponding 2022 amount. Year-to-date transfers are running 1.8 % above last year at this time.

Supervisor DeCarlo announced the next regular Town Board meeting will be Tuesday August 8, 2023 at 7 PM.  


Supervisor DeCarlo read the Abstract (7 of 2023):


*Prepaid and unpaid as of 7/11/23 Total Claims $210,273.06


Gen Fund Town wide Vouchers Totaling: $67,937.52

Gen Fund – Part Town Voucher Totaling: $387.50

Highway T.W. Vouchers Totaling: $25.59

Highway P.T. Vouchers, Totaling:  $9,733.65

Street Lighting:  Voucher Totaling:  $2,289.80

Brant Water Dist 1 (SS2&SW):  – Totaling $0

Fire Protection District: $129,899.00

PAYROLL (3 pay periods):

General Town Wide Payroll 5/21/23-7/1/23 – Totaling $74,784.17

General Part Town Payroll   5/21/23-7/1/23-Totaling:  $1,134.51

Highway Payroll TW 5/21/23-7/1/23-Totaling:  $0

Highway Payroll PT 5/21/23-7/1/23-Totaling:  $11,021.80

Councilwoman Giancarlo motioned to approve Abstract 7 of 2023, seconded by Councilwoman Marien. A roll-call vote was taken: Councilwoman Giancarlo-aye, Councilwoman Marien-aye, Councilman Muffoletto-aye, Councilwoman Ross-aye, Supervisor DeCarlo-aye.  5 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.

At 8:10 pm, Councilwoman Giancarlo motioned to adjourn the meeting in memory of Gerry Jacobs, Doreen (Ditcher) Hedderich, and Charles Dinardo.  Supervisor DeCarlo seconded the motion.  5 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.


Respectfully submitted by,


Barbara J Daniel

Brant Town Clerk