Wednesday, February 2, 2022 Minutes


Call to Order: President DeLong called the meeting to order at 12:35


Prayers were said for: Sue & Carlton Falk, Jeanette Mirusso, Faiths Niece.


Celebrating birthdays this month:  Donna Borngraber


50/50 Winners: Lori Dunkel, Janice Ross, Joe Ostrowski, The Free Lunch went to Janice Ross


Roll Call: 26 Seniors are present


Secretary’s Report: Secretary Ostrowski read the Minutes. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Elmer McSkimming and seconded by Marlene McSkimming



Treasurers Report: Diane Czyz reported that we have in our Travel Account: $4594.56 and in our Operating Account: $917.85. Diane said that money has not been deposited because the bank needs a letter of those who have been appointed. Secretary Ostrowski will take care of this.


President DeLong has been looking into getting new Bingo Equipment and possibly Wheel of Fortune. We need to check with Brant Firehall to see about their bingo equipment since they are not having bingo anymore. Sharon will ask them. A question was raised about our cabinet and the things in it. Faith will talk to Allen. Dennis George & Faith will check it out.


Lynda Ostrowski mentioned that she asked Supervisor DeCarlo to come and talk to the group about the town and things going on. She also spoke with the Assessor DeCarlo about talking to the group. They will both are happy to speak. Lynda read some information that should be taken care of before March 1st.

1. If you are a senior and make less than $35,400, you qualify for an exemption. If you are currently getting this, you do not need to do anything.

2. If your household makes less than $92,000, you qualify for Enhanced Star.

3. Veterans are entitled to an exemption and so is the spouse. Each Veteran in the household is entitled to the exemption.

4. If a family member has passed away and the death certificate indicates COVID, the funeral can be paid for through NYS FEMA.

5. May 24th is Grievance Day. If you have made changes to your property or you feel your taxes are too high, you can go to the Assessors Office and fill out paperwork then go to the Town Hall to speak to the Board of Assessment and Review.

You can contact the Assessor’s Office (716) 549-0282 #5 Monday, Tuesday & Friday from 9am – 2pm.


Our Picnic: Wednesday, August 3rd. More info coming.


Adjournment: A motion was made by George Cordia and seconded by Dennis Rubeck to adjourn the meeting. Carried.


Respectfully Submitted

Lynda Ostrowski
