This Virtual Meeting of the Brant Town Board was held on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 via “GoToMeeting”, an online virtual live meeting application approved by NYS Governor Cuomo for use during the Corona Virus pandemic shut-down.



Mark DeCarlo Supervisor

Donna Marien Councilwoman

Janice Ross Councilwoman

Linda Giancarlo Councilwoman

Mike Muffoletto Councilman

Barbara J. Daniel Recording Secretary / Town Clerk

William Trask Town Attorney



Lynda Ostrowski Deputy Town Clerk

Kristen Giancarlo

Ashley Arrigo Uncapher

Chad Kaczmarek Town Justice

Debra Ritz Planning Board Member

James Hooge Board of Review Chair

Virginia Schilling Board of Review Member

Janet Bowman Board of Review Alternate

Plus 5 more unknown people.


Supervisor DeCarlo: Alright, so I’m going to call this meeting to order. Will Councilwoman Ross please lead us in the Pledge.

Councilwoman Ross: (Said the Pledge to the Flag.)

Supervisor DeCarlo: Thank you. Approval of the minutes from the April 14, 2020 Town Board Meeting.

Councilwoman Giancarlo: I approve.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Can I get a roll call?

Recording Secretary Daniel: A roll call?

Supervisor DeCarlo: Yeah.

Recording Secretary Daniel: A roll call for the minutes?

Supervisor DeCarlo: You don’t want the roll call?

Recording Secretary Daniel: It doesn’t matter, if that’s what you guys want. I just never did it before. Ok. And

Linda, Councilwoman Giancarlo, she motioned so who second?

Councilwoman Ross: I did.

Recording Secretary Daniel: Ok, so we got Councilwoman Giancarlo.

Councilwoman Giancarlo: Yes

Recording Secretary Daniel: Councilwoman Ross

Councilwoman Ross: Aye

Recording Secretary Daniel: Councilman Muffoletto.

Councilman Muffoletto: Aye.

Recording Secretary Daniel: Councilwoman Marien.

Councilwoman Marien: Aye

Recording Secretary Daniel: And Supervisor DeCarlo.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Aye. Carried.

Alright, we are going to go ahead and table all the department reports for this

month. We don’t have any public hearings so we will move on to new business.
Memorial Day, we have to decide what we are going to do with Memorial Day but I think based on the Governor’s orders and the state of affairs, that we should probably cancel Memorial Day this year as far as having a ceremony.

Councilman Muffoletto: I agree

Supervisor DeCarlo: Alright, so I will make a motion to just cancel this until next year. Do I have a second?

Councilwoman Marien: I’ll second it.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Seconded by Councilwoman Marien. All in favor?

All Council: Aye

Supervisor DeCarlo: All those opposed?

No response.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Carried. The next thing on New Business is the Town Recreation and the Brant Pool. So I’ve talked to the State a little bit, and I’ve also talked to all the local towns: Eden, North Collins, Evans, they’re all cancelling their Summer Rec Program because of the requirements of the state as far as social distancing and small gatherings. I’m of the opinion that we probably should look at cancelling it as well for a few reasons, but specifically just to follow the state guidelines and opening up. They’re not talking about that until like a phase 4 which would be until probably about August or September. Does anyone have any questions or input on that before we take a vote?

Councilman Muffoletto: I guess we don’t have any choice.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Yes, essentially, we don’t have any choice. I think if we kept it open, we would probably get a lot of overflow from the neighboring towns and that would just become totally uncontrollable.

Councilman Muffoletto: Well, that’s the reason to keep it, then we could charge $5,000 a child.

Supervisor DeCarlo: I know a lot of people, these days, that would pay that too. Alright. On the Brant pool, I talked to Allen. Allen’s working with the state and the county about when opening up would be the availability. At this point, I think we need to put a hold on opening the pool as well. I’m going to make a motion to cancel the recreation for the year and hold off opening up the pool until we have some better guidance.

Debbie Ritz: Excuse me, Supervisor

Supervisor DeCarlo: Yes?

Debbie Ritz: Supervisor, it’s Debra Ritz. When you guys aren’t talking, mute yourselves. That’s why, that’s why all the noise is happening so mute yourselves until you need to speak so we can hear what’s going on. I think during this situation, you have to mute yourself because of the background. I can’t hear one word that Mark is saying, so I’m just suggesting that you mute yourself until you need to speak.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok. I think we’re good now. Alright, so my take on this is that we should cancel. I’d like to take a vote on cancelling and holding off opening up the pool until we have some better guidance from the County and the State. Do I have a second?

Councilman Muffoletto: I’ll second.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Seconded by Councilman Muffoletto. All those in favor?

All Council: Aye.

Supervisor DeCarlo: All those opposed?

No response

Supervisor DeCarlo: Carried.

Councilwoman Ross: I have a question. Since we’re on that, what about concerts? A couple of Towns I know, have already cancelled theirs.

Councilman Muffoletto: I don’t know. I gotta think that the concerts at the very least are kind of the least attended and you can spread things out far enough.

Councilwoman Ross: I just want to stay within the guidelines, though.

Supervisor DeCarlo: When’s the start date?

Councilwoman Ross: July

Supervisor DeCarlo: So, I think maybe wait until the June meeting and re-evaluate it at that point and see. What do you think about that?

Councilwoman Ross: Ok.

Supervisor DeCarlo: I mean, that’s something we do have to consider, but it’s outdoors and if we can keep the social distancing, I would love to keep it if possible.

Councilwoman Ross: Oh, I agree but we just gotta stay within the Governor’s guidelines.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Right. I agree.

Councilman Muffoletto: What Governor? We got a Governor?

Councilwoman Ross: Well, we think we do. Sorry Deb.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Alright, so…

Debbie Ritz: We’re all alive now because of him so just keep that in mind.

Attorney Trask: Just a quick comment from Bill. Remember folks, everything you say will show up in the transcript and that goes to the public.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Good point. Alright, so the Grievance Day is being set as May 26 which is really set by the state. That’s gonna be Grievance Day for people who want to grieve their assessment. We’re presently setting up a system where people can call in or email in and get appointments if they feel like they want to grieve their assessment. And we’re gonna have a virtual meeting with them and the Board of Assessment Review. Any questions on that from anyone? I see the chairman is on the call as well from the BOAR. Alright, moving on. We’re looking at opening the Town Hall by appointment only which is currently allowed by State guidelines. The court system has notified us that we can bring our clerks back to work as long as they observe certain rules, so we’re going to begin doing that with the court system. We do have a back log of work that we need to have processed. Any body have any questions on any of that? We’ve gotten a lot of equipment from the State as far as masks and sanitizer and things like that that we are going to try to incorporate in so that we make sure we are following the social distancing guidelines. Any questions or comments on any of that?

Councilman Muffoletto: No. It’s a good thing that we’re doing that.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Alright. Good. Moving on. E-waste. It looks like we may be able to start at the end of May. Anybody have any thoughts are they happy that we’ll be getting that as long as again, we can follow those guidelines as far as wearing masks and social distancing and things like that. Can we start up the E-waste in May?

Councilwoman Marien: I think that’s a great idea.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok. Good. So, I will make a motion that we’ll begin the E-waste. Do I have a second?

Councilwoman Marien: Second.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Seconded by Councilwoman Marien. All those in favor?

All Council: Aye.

Supervisor DeCarlo: All those opposed?

No response

Supervisor DeCarlo: Carried. I’ve got some good news from our Police Department. They had applied for a grant, the Stone Garden Grant that we got the plate reader in the past and we got about $16,000 of equipment last year including new computers for the vehicles, and things like that. We did get notice that we got approved for a second plate reader to put on a second car. That’s about a $22,000 to $24,000 grant with no matching funds from taxpayers of the town. So essentially, that will be free for the town and we’ll have two vehicles with plate readers. We’re looking at possibly having a blood drive, hosted by the Red Cross at the Town Hall on June 5th. It would be done at the back of the gym. It would allow for all the proper social distancing. Does anyone have any questions on the board or any issues on that?

Councilwoman Ross: No.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Alright, so then I’ll make a motion that we can allow them to use the facility, the Red Cross for a Blood Drive. Do I have a second?

Councilman Muffoletto: Second.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Seconded by Councilman Muffoletto. All those in favor?

All Council: Aye.

Supervisor DeCarlo: All those opposed?

No response

Supervisor DeCarlo: Carried. We talked to the Village of Farnham, Mayor Hoisington in regards of the cell phone for the Highway Superintendent. Our prior Superintendent had the cell phone from the Town that we paid for. The Village of Farnham already has a cell phone that our current Superintendent uses. They asked if we would be willing to split the bill. It would be about $35.00, between $35.00 and $40.00 a month. It will be much cheaper than what we paid for the previous Superintendent. Does anyone have any questions or issues with that?

Councilman Muffoletto: Did Joe turn in his phone?

Supervisor DeCarlo: He did not turn in the physical phone. It was a very old flip phone and we were told that there was really nothing that we could… it’s not really useful anymore.

Councilman Muffoletto: But it’s shut off?

Supervisor DeCarlo: Yes, yes, he’s having no more service, but we told him he could keep the flip phone. It had been paid for by the Town years and years ago. It has really no worth. Would you guys be good us splitting the bill with Farnham then instead of having to do a new bill?

Councilman Muffoletto: I am.

Councilwoman Ross: I have no problem with that.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Alright, I’ll make a motion then to split the phone bill somewhere between $35.00 and $40.00 a month with the Village of Farnham for the Superintendent. Do I have a second?

Councilwoman Giancarlo: Second

Supervisor DeCarlo: Seconded by Councilwoman Giancarlo. All those in favor?

All Council: Aye.

Councilman Muffoletto: I have a question, who is taking care of the cell phone setups and bills and such? Is that Barb?

Supervisor DeCarlo: The Verizon bill comes to the clerk.

Town Clerk Daniel: Yeah Town Clerk’s Office. We just bill each department.

Councilman Muffoletto: The reason I’m asking is, are we able to get the same deal? I think I’m getting $45 a month special and it’s unlimited.

Town Clerk Daniel: Well, for example, Pool’s phone is $25.00 a month but then the other ones are $34.00 and $35.00 depending on how much usage they get. So Ellsworth might get a lot of usage and might go over that $35.00.

Councilman Muffoletto: Why I’m asking is if we’re gonna be paying $35.00 as half, that’s actually, if we can get it for $35.00 ourselves and it cuts that in half it’s cheaper than what we would be paying them if they would want to pay half of our bill.

Town Clerk Daniel: I have seen the bill go over a lot depending on what they’re, if they’re making a lot of calls like during storms and things like that, so I don’t know, you might have to research it I guess.

Councilman Muffoletto: What do we have Verizon, do we?

Town Clerk Daniel: Yes.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Yes.

Councilman Muffoletto: Oh, well maybe the Town should look into, in the meantime, that Spectrum. Like I said, I pay $45.00 for everything.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Yeah, let’s do that. We’ll shop that around and see what’s available.

Councilman Muffoletto: Yeah, as far as the other goes, that’s fine.

Supervisor DeCarlo: I agree. They can get very expensive.

Alright. The Highway Superintendent asked if we could appoint, he needs a part- time guy like we had in the past. The money is in the budget for it. He said he’s not gonna use him a lot, but he wants to know if we are able to appoint Jeffrey Nolan as a part-time Buildings and Grounds.

Councilman Muffoletto: So, you’re talking about Allen not Superintendent?

Supervisor DeCarlo: I’m sorry. I apologize. We’re talking about, yes, we’re talking about Allen. I apologize.

Councilman Muffoletto: Jeff is a hard-working kid. I don’t have a problem as long as he’s only used when he is needed.

Supervisor DeCarlo: What do you think of like a rate? I mean, I was thinking, I thought it was around $14.50. I think that’s less than when we had the last guy.

Councilman Muffoletto: I don’t have a problem with that.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Alright. So I make a motion to approve the hiring of Jeffrey Nolan as a part-time Buildings and Grounds employee at a rate of $14.50 an hour …

Attorney Trask: Excuse me Mr. Supervisor, it’s Bill.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Yes.

Attorney Trask: You do have a position available in our position inventory with civil service?

Supervisor DeCarlo: Yes, it was Nick that used to work for us.

Attorney Trask: Ok. Thank you.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Yup. … at $14.50 an hour with not exceeding 19 hours a week. Do I have a second?

Councilman Muffoletto: Second.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Seconded by Councilman Muffoletto. Can I get a roll call on that?

Recording Secretary Daniel: Supervisor DeCarlo?

Supervisor DeCarlo: Aye.

Recording Secretary Daniel: Councilman Muffoletto?

Councilman Muffoletto: Aye.

Recording Secretary Daniel: Councilwoman Giancarlo?

Councilwoman Giancarlo: Aye

Recording Secretary Daniel: and Councilwoman Ross

Councilwoman Ross: Aye

Recording Secretary Daniel: All set. I need you guys to clarify the cell phone before we move on. Did you guys decide on waiting or did you decide on going ahead and doing the deal?

Councilman Muffoletto: Move ahead.

Supervisor DeCarlo: We approved it but we also decided to shop around and see what other options are available.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Alright. Carried. Then moving on. I got contacted by the realtor for the junkyard. I guess the previous person is not interested and they want to know if the Town might be interested in purchasing it.

Councilman Muffoletto: At what price?

Supervisor DeCarlo: Well, I asked that question and she said it was currently listed at whatever $290,000.00 or something like that. I honestly think they may be open to offers so that I’s something we don’t have to decide tonight, but that’s something we can think about. I wanted to let the board know I was contacted.

Councilwoman Giancarlo: Ok.

Supervisor DeCarlo: There’s been people that have suggested using it as a highway garage or something like that.

Councilman Muffoletto: Also impound.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Right. There’s a number of things we could use it for if it was for the right price. That would be something that we have to discuss. I think I’d want to go to executive session which we really can’t do under these circumstances, so maybe we’ll talk about it next month?

Councilman Muffoletto: Ok.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Alright. Moving On.

Councilman Muffoletto: Do you know when we can actually have a meeting as long as we are social distance?

Supervisor DeCarlo: Well, I’m hoping next month we’ll be able to have an in person meeting.

Councilman Muffoletto: Ok.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Based on what I’m seeing, and the conversations I’ve had with the Representative from Governor Cuomo’s office, I do feel like hopefully in June, we’ll be able to have a meeting and in person.

Attorney Trask: Mr. Supervisor, it’s Bill Trask.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Yes.

Attorney Trask: In June, you have to have a Public Hearing on the Special Use Permit renewals, Town wide.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok.

Attorney Trask: Because the Special Use Permits all expire June 30th. So typically, there would be a, last month I reminded, and Barb, I think, had Gary Brecker start the process to get the applications out. Fees should have been sent in, to the Town Clerk with applications for the renewals. Gary should be doing whatever on-sight inspections are required for reporting compliance with existing permit conditions.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok.

Attorney Trask: And then, you have to set a time for a Public Hearing at next months’ meeting on the renewals of the Special Use Permits.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok. So let me ask you something. If we find in June in-person meeting is still going to be an issue, can we do like a blanket 30-day extension on all the Special Use Permits in the Town until the next meeting?

Attorney Trask: I don’t think there’s anything that permits that.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok.

Attorney Trask: Public Hearings can be held in the same manor that this meeting is being held, if we are still under a similar executive order from the Governor.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok, so we we’ll definitely set up a meeting for next month.

Reports of Committees. Town Board Reports. Does anyone have anything to report?

Councilwoman Ross: I do. I spoke with Ellsworth today, and he is quite upset about his two tractors. The transmission is shot on the Oliver and he said he refuses to fix it because it’s an old machine. It was probably purchased in the 60’s or the 70’s, and it’s just shot. And the Ford tractor with the power sweeper, they can’t keep it running. It’ll start up and it sputters out. Today it threw the fan belt. He said that machine is probably about 35 years old, also, and they just can’t deal with it. So his suggestion is, he’d like you to consider getting one good tractor to replace the two pieces of junk that he does have.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok.

Councilman Muffoletto: The way I understand it, Mr. Schlagle fixed the running problem, yesterday.

Councilwoman Ross: Well, Ellsworth called me today.

Councilman Muffoletto: He threw a fan belt today but he didn’t say it’s still stalling.

Councilwoman Ross: Right, it did throw a fan belt today, but he said it’s so old that it’s really not worth fixing anymore. His suggestion was to look into getting one to replace those two, and he did get some estimates and he’s waiting for two more to come in. He’s got one from John Deere for $42,000.00,

Councilman Muffoletto: (Laughing)

Councilwoman Ross: Yeah, I know, and one from New Holland for $40,000.00, and he’s waiting for two others to come in. He had one other one, but, he was told it’s more for residential use and not commercial that he needs, you know the heavy duty.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Do you know if those were state bid prices?

Councilwoman Ross: I do not know. I probably doubt it. That’s probably him just going to dealerships

Supervisor DeCarlo: Alright, when you have those together, then I think we can definitely look at it.

Councilwoman Ross: He just wanted me to bring it up in the meeting today, to bring it to your attention that those two old machines are dying.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Alright.

Attorney Trask: It’s Bill. Since Ellsworth is new to the position, it would be good to make sure that he has a copy of the Town’s Procurement Policy, unless he’s specking these through State Bids. Any item that high would have to be competitively bid. Get Ellsworth a copy of the Procurement Policies that the Town Board adopts each year at the Organizational Meeting so that he’s aware of what’s required. Ok?

Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok.

Councilwoman Ross: Got it.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Can you get me Janice, can you give me copies of those when you have time?

Councilwoman Ross: Of what he gave me?

Supervisor DeCarlo: Yeah, the bids.

Councilwoman Ross: Yeah, well, I don’t have the actual bids in front of me. he just told me over the phone.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok.

Councilwoman Ross: He’s still compiling all that.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Alright. Sounds good.

Councilwoman Ross: Yeah, he wants to have a meeting with me and his secretary, soon, so maybe he’ll have them by then.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok, alright. Perfect. Thank you.

Councilwoman Ross: You’re welcome.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Anything else?

Councilwoman Giancarlo: Yes. Can you hear me?

Supervisor DeCarlo: Yes.
Councilwoman Giancarlo: I would just like to make a recommendation. Under new business, all of these items that we discussed, like Memorial Day being cancelled, and the Recreation and the pool, all this stuff should be on the front page of the Brant website. Everybody doesn’t have Facebook. I went on the website today and there is literally nothing on there. So I think a lot of this stuff should be right on front page of the Brant website.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok.

Councilman Muffoletto: Who takes care of the website, is that you Linda?

Councilwoman Giancarlo: Yes.

Councilman Muffoletto: Barb?

Councilwoman Giancarlo: I can hear you. Go ahead.

Councilman Muffoletto: No, who takes care of the Brant website?

Supervisor DeCarlo: The Town Clerk does it.

Town Clerk Daniel: It’s just basically, we adopted it in this office, so ever since Thea was in. Usually the Deputies do it, you know, update the things that we, usually we put the minutes. Every department has a password to get in to their own page, but, unfortunately, no one usually does it except during the Covid thing, the court finally went on there and did their updates.

Councilman Muffoletto: Well, are you going to go in there and make sure this information goes on the front page?

Town Clerk Daniel: Yeah, yes, we will do that.

Councilman Muffoletto: Thank you.

Town Clerk Daniel: Usually, people read the minutes and stuff too.

Councilwoman Giancarlo: Including the Brantfest being cancelled as well, because I’m getting phone calls.

Councilwoman Ross: I agree, Linda. Not everyone reads the minutes. They want to see a bulletin.

Councilwoman Giancarlo: Just an update of what’s going on in the Town and what’s not going on.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Agreed.

Town Clerk Daniel: I do have people that call me for the agenda, but I usually get it about an hour before the meeting so if you guys want to give it to me on Friday before the meeting or something.

Supervisor DeCarlo: I’ll make sure you get it to you by Friday from now on.

Town Clerk Daniel: Alright.

Attorney Trask: It’s Bill. It’s not an official newspaper by any means, but some local governments do use the Pennysaver that goes to every household for notices like that, so if you have a number of cancellations coming up in the summer season or even beyond, it’s not a bad idea to spend a few bucks to put something in the Pennysaver like some of the surrounding towns are doing.

Supervisor DeCarlo: That’s a good idea. We could also notify the news and that’s a big service where they will post the cancellations. Alright, anybody else any other reports, questions, concerns? Alright, moving on. We did receive the sales tax

Attorney Trask: I’m sorry, Mark

Supervisor DeCarlo: Go ahead.

Attorney Trask: I’m sorry. You did not set a time for the Public Hearing on the Special Use Permit renewals in June.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Oh, yeah, I was gonna set that when I announce the date of the next meeting.

Attorney Trask: You have to have a vote on that.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Sure, so I will make a motion to set a Public Hearing for Renewal of the Annual Special Use Permits, June 9, 2020 at 7:30 PM. Do I have a second?

Councilwoman Giancarlo: I’ll second.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Seconded by Councilwoman Giancarlo. Can I get a Roll Call?

Recording Secretary Daniel: Supervisor DeCarlo?

Supervisor DeCarlo: Aye.

Recording Secretary Daniel: Councilwoman Giancarlo?

Councilwoman Giancarlo: Aye.

Recording Secretary Daniel: Councilman Muffoletto?

Councilman Muffoletto: Aye.

Recording Secretary Daniel: Councilwoman Marien?

Councilwoman Marien: Aye.

Recording Secretary Daniel: And Councilwoman Ross?

Councilwoman Ross: Aye.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Carried. Ok.

Correspondence: We received the second May sales tax remittance which is really, severely being impacted by the Covid19 issue. It was 2.5 million dollars less instead of the corresponding 2019 allowance of 6.88 million. It’s a 36.48 percent decrease. Year-to-date receipts are running at 438 below last years,so were just under 5 percent below last year. I will say that we have a meeting, a virtual meeting coming up, Associations of Erie County Governments. and there’s a bi-partisan bill that has been submitted to Congress, to help fund the gap for sales tax and other short falls through federal funding. This meeting that we have coming up on the 14th, Senator Schumer’s office will be there to answer any questions that we might have about the bill that was put forth that I think, was announced in the news today, a 3 trillion dollar bill. So there may be aid coming, we’ll have to see how that goes from any contact through the Association of Towns. I’ve been following that pretty closely.

A reminder that the Census Mailings just went out and that everyone needs to make sure as many people fill this out as possible because this represents money and funding that we get in the future based on the census check.

I’m going to move to Approval of the Abstract. I think everyone got it in their email.

Abstract 5 of 2020 Prepaids and Unpaids from 5/12/20 total claims $34641.75.
General fund Town-wide vouchers totaling $20,637.00.

General Fund Part-Town vouchers totaling $8,292.91.
Highway Town-wide vouchers totaling $1,288.98.

Highway Part-Town vouchers totaling $1,858.95.

Street-lighting vouchers totaling $2,563.91.

General Town- wide payroll, all payroll periods are from 3/29/20 to 4/25/20 totaling $51,714.45.

General Part-town Payroll totaling $712.96.

Highway Town-wide $0.

Highway Part-town totaling $7,461.44.

I’ll make a motion. Do I have a second to approve the Abstract 5 for 2020?

Councilwoman Ross: Second.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Seconded by Councilwoman Ross. Can I get a Roll-Call?

Recording Secretary Daniel: Supervisor DeCarlo?

Supervisor DeCarlo: Aye.

Recording Secretary Daniel: Councilwoman Ross?

Councilwoman Ross: Aye.

Recording Secretary Daniel: Councilwoman Giancarlo?

Councilwoman Giancarlo: Aye.

Recording Secretary Daniel: Councilman Muffoletto?

Councilman Muffoletto: Aye.

Recording Secretary Daniel: And Councilwoman Marien?

Councilwoman Marien: Aye.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Carried. Our next meeting will be June 6, 20, I’m sorry, June 9, 2020 at 7:00 P.M. and our Public Hearing for Special Use Permits will follow at 7:30 P.M. Does anyone else have anything they would like to say before we motion to adjourn?

Attorney Trask: Yes, it’s Bill.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Yes.

Attorney Trask: I’d like to congratulate Debbie Ritz on graduating from U.B. Law School, my Alma Mater.

Councilman Muffoletto: Alright Debbie!

Debbie Ritz: Thank you, thank you.

Councilwoman Giancarlo: Congratulations!

Town Clerk Daniel: That’s awesome!

Supervisor DeCarlo: Alright, I’ll make a motion to adjourn the meeting. Do I have a second?

Councilman Muffoletto: Second.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Seconded by Councilman Muffoletto: All those in favor?

All Council: Aye.

Supervisor DeCarlo: All those opposed?

No response

Supervisor DeCarlo: Carried. Everyone stay healthy!


Meeting was adjourned at 7:38pm.

Transcribed by Deputy Town Clerk, Lynda Ostrowski


  1. Barbara J. Daniel, Brant Town Clerk and Recording Secretary for the Brant Town Board have reviewed the above transcription for accuracy. Due to a GoToMeeting software error (failed to provide a transcript) a transcript was unavailable. Therefore, a digital voice recording was used to transcribe the meeting verbatim. The meeting was transcribed by Deputy Clerk Lynda Ostrowski. I also certify that this “Digital voice recorded” copy of the meeting, as recorded by Deputy Clerk Lynda Ostrowski, is available for those wishing to listen to the meeting in it’s entirety.


In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town on Tuesday, June 9, 2020.









Respectfully submitted,


Barbara J. Daniel
Brant Town Clerk.