Minutes Of The November 18, 2013 Town Board Meeting (Budget Hearing)

This Regular Meeting of the Brant Town Board was held on Monday, November 18, 2013 at the Brant Town Hall, located at 1272 Brant North Collins Rd, Brant, New York at 6:30 PM.


Leonard K. Pero  Supervisor
Chad Kaczmarek Councilman
Donald Clark  Councilman
Jeffrey Gier  Councilman
Barbara J. Daniel  Town Clerk, Recording Secretary

Absent was:  
Clark Borngraber, Councilman

Also present were:

Joseph Ostrowski Planning Board Chairman
Lynda Ostrowski Deputy Clerk
Joseph DeCarlo  Assessor
Janice Ross  Planning Board member
Neil Ross  Planning Board Alt.

The meeting opened at 6:30 PM with a pledge to the flag.  

APPOINTMENT OF BOARD OF ASSESSMENT AND REVIEW ALTERNATE: Supervisor Pero motioned to re-appoint Joseph Ostrowski to the position of Board of Assessment and Review alternate for the 2014 term.  He was seconded by Councilman Gier.  A roll call vote was taken.  Supervisor Pero-aye, Councilman Gier-aye, Councilman Kaczmarek-aye, Councilman Clark-aye.  4 AYES, 0 NAYS.  MOTION CARRIED.

BUDGET DISCUSSION:  Supervisor Pero explained that the Board had chosen to return the 2% increase declined by the justices.  They had declined their increase to allow the clerks to get an 8-1/2% increase.  Rather than the 8-1/2% increase to the clerks, the Board decided to allow a 4% increase, which exceeds the increase given to other appointed positions by 1%.  All other appointed positions will be given a 3% increase.  The Courts contractual was also returned to the figure noted on the tentative budget.

At the top of budget page 7 of 7, the fines and forfeited bail have been reduced to $322,000.  The changes allowed the budget to finalize at 7.176% which is lower than last year.

Councilman Clark asked if there was anything allotted for an independent audit.  Supervisor Pero answered that the Board has already appointed Joseph Ostrowski.  Councilman Gier motioned to approve the budget as presented, based on the compromised Court Clerk increase at 4% as opposed to 8-1/2%.  Supervisor Pero added that the Court Clerk’s also received a 5% increase last year.  Councilman Clark noted that he preferred the Court Clerk’s to get the 8-1/2% increase.  He also wanted the Board to allot funding for a professional independent audit.  Councilman Kaczmarek seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was taken: Councilman Gier-aye, Councilman Kaczmarek-aye, Councilman Clark-nay, Supervisor Pero-aye.  3 AYES, 1 NAY.  MOTION CARRIED.

The entire Board motioned to adjourn the meeting in memory of Mrs. Kusior at 6:46 PM.  The motion was then seconded by entire Board.  All approved.  MEETING ADJOURNED.

Following the adjournment, the Town Board, who was appointed as the Peter F. Gugino committee remained for the Gugino Committee meeting scheduled for the 18th.  Councilman Clark was unaware that during the September 12, 2013 Board meeting, the Town Board, as a whole was appointed as the committee for the Gugino memorial plans.  Committee member and resident Neil Ross brought Councilman Clark up to speed on what the committee has done thus far.  It was noted that a photo of Peter Gugino was being sought out for the plaque.  The plaque layout can’t be approved until the photo is incorporated into the layout. 

Respectfully submitted by,

Barbara Daniel
Brant Town Clerk