CLICK HERE FOR PRINTABLE VERSION OF THESE MINUTES:  [url=%%dir[2]%%07-10-12_Reg_Tn_Bd_Mtg_minutes.pdf]07-10-12_Reg_Tn_Bd_Mtg_minutes.pdf[/url] 

This Regular Meeting of the Brant Town Board was held on Tuesday, July  10, 2012 at the Brant Town Hall, located at 1272 Brant North Collins Rd, Brant, New York at 7:30 PM.

Leonard K. Pero		Supervisor
Jeffrey Gier		Councilman
Donald Clark		Councilman
Clark Borngraber	Councilman
Barbara J Daniel	Town Clerk, Recording Secretary

ABSENT WAS:   Chad Kaczmarek,  Councilman, Code Officer Gary Brecker, Bill Trask, Town Attorney


Joseph Ostrowski	Planning Board Chairman
Lynda Ostrowski	Secretary to the Boards
Janet Bowman		Assessor?s Clerk
Beverly Wasmund	Resident
Charles Arrigo		Highway Laborer
Donald Hepkins		Police Chief
Brian Campbell		Reporter for the SUN
Brian Rott		resident
Debra Ritz		resident
Lee Brunelli		resident	
Ryan Turner		Deputy Rec Director
Allen Nolan		Town Hall Maintenance

The meeting opened at 7:30 PM with a pledge to the Flag.

	A Motion was made by Councilman Gier, and seconded by Councilman Borngraber to accept the minutes of the June 12, 2012 Regular Town Board Mtg. and the June 22, 2012 Special Town Board meeting.  4 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.



Councilman Clark moved and was seconded by Councilman Gier, to accept the Supervisor?s May 2012 Financial Report.  4 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.

Councilman Borngraber moved and was seconded by Councilman Clark, to accept the following Budget Modification as of May 2012 as presented below.  A roll call vote was taken: Councilman Borngraber-aye, Councilman Clark-aye, Councilman Gier-aye, Supervisor Pero-aye.  4 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.
(See budget mod next page).

Councilman Clark moved to accept the Town Clerk?s May 2012 Financial Report & the Tax collection summary report, and was seconded by Councilman Gier. 4 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.

	Councilman Gier moved to accept the Court Clerk?s May 2012 Financial Report for Justice Gugino and Justice Crouse.  Councilman Borngraber seconded the motion.  4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRED.

	Code Enforcement Officer Gary Brecker was unable to present his report for May.  The report was read by Supervisor Pero.  Councilman Gier moved to accept the report as read, and was seconded by Councilman Borngraber.  4 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.

The Dog Control Officer stated she would like to use the recent dog shelter expense donations for airtight doggie doors and insulation for the walls to prevent heat loss in winter.
Supervisor Pero moved to accept the Dog Control Officer?s report for June 2012 as presented.  The motion was seconded by Councilman Borngraber.  4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.

	Chief Hepkins stated recent vandalism has been occurring in area parks and churches, involving graffiti.  He asks that anyone knowing anything to contact the police.  All information will be kept confidential.
He also asked if speed bumps could be installed in the park.  It was discussed that there were speed bumps near the pond.  They will be installed in the driveway to the park.   It was discussed that certain cars are exiting the park and speeding when they leave.  The police will monitor in the mornings. 
Councilmen Borngraber moved to accept the May 2012 Police report as presented by Police Chief Donald Hepkins.  He was seconded by Councilman Gier. 4 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.  

	Councilman Gier moved to accept the Town Clerk?s June 2012 Monthly Activity Report to the Board.  Supervisor Pero seconded the motion.  4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.

The Town Clerk notified the Board that a local Doctor?s Office had put a deposit on the rental of the Recreation building and are asking to cancel and get a refund of their security deposit.  They cancelled within 3 days of the payment of the deposit.  The Board performed a roll call vote to decide on the refund:  Supervisor Pero-aye, Councilman Gier-aye, Councilman Clark-aye, Councilman Borngraber-aye.  4 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED, REFUND APPROVED.

The Town Clerk notified the Board that Deputy Clerk Gina DeMaria resigned effective July 12, 2012 and
that she would like to fill the newly vacant, regularly scheduled position of second Deputy with the appointment of Lynda Ostrowski as Deputy Town Clerk and Sub Registrar of Vital Statistics, on an as needed basis.  

	Planning Board held no meeting in June.

Deputy Recreation Director Ryan Turner addressed an issue of concern about lunch breaks. He explained that during their 30 minute lunch break, counselors like to leave, thereby leaving children without adequate supervision.  He requested the Board approve allowing 5 counselors to be paid for their 30 minute lunch breaks, but require they stay present with the children as they too had their lunch.  After discussion on other options, the Board chose to approve paying no more than 5 counselors for their 30 minute lunch break, requiring them to supervise the children while they ate.  The counselors required to stay through their lunch will be rotated daily.  Councilman Borngraber moved to approve the request, and was seconded by Supervisor Pero.  A roll call vote was taken: Councilman Borngraber-aye, Supervisor Per-aye, Councilman Clark-aye, Councilman Gier-aye.  4 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.

Ryan Turner then gave his report to the Board.  Councilman Borngraber moved to accept his report as read, and was seconded by Supervisor Pero.  4 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.

Supervisor Pero thanked Ryan for working unpaid from his initial evaluation through June 28th.  Discussion regarding the condition of the floors of the Pool house bathrooms.  Turner noted they were the original floors from the 50?s.  For this year, Councilman Gier suggested we contract with Unifirst to get no-slip mats for the bathroom floors of the pool house.  

Turner also notified the Board of an incident that occurred during a recent park rental.  The Board discussed the incident and decided they would like the park rental contract to state that any acts of violence will result in the cancellation of the Security Deposit refund to the renter.
	Supervisor Pero mentioned that some of the picnic tables have been painted.  Signs were ordered for the Park that state ?No ATV?s?.  The rock plaque has been put on the Boulder at the park entrance.  Thermostat covers are needed for the rec building to prevent unauthorized access to the thermostat.  The pool ladder was installed.  The paint for the pool house had been purchased.  Playground fill at the park must be ADA approved.
The butterfly garden is mostly ragweed, but it is a perennial so it should come up.
Councilman Gier moved to approve the Parks Commissioner?s report as read, and was seconded by Councilman Borngraber.  4 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.

	Supervisor Pero read the minutes of the June Historical meeting.  Considering an online historical project.

FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORTS:  Councilman Gier noted that Brant reported 10 calls last month.  He also noted that he received their financial reporting.  
Brant Farnham Senior?s report for July 2012 was read by Councilman Borngraber.  $188.50 was raised by the Senior?s bake sale at the Brant Festival.  Supervisor Pero moved to approve the report, and was seconded by Councilman Gier.  4 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.

Request to use of the Brant Pool on Wednesdays for neighboring Town?s recreation program: Supervisor Pero mentioned a request he received from the Town of North Collins Recreation program to allow their children to use the Brant pool on Wednesdays when Brant recreation is normally away on field trips.  The fee to those using it would be $1.00 per swimmer.  Deputy Rec Director Turner stated that the park will be closed on the Wednesdays where the lifeguards will be absent for the Fantasy Island and Splash Lagoon field trips.  He stated the park will be closed.  The Board objected stating the pool must be open for the Town residents who use the pool on Wednesdays.  It was final that the pool must be open on Wednesdays.

Councilman Gier moved to allow North Collins Recreation to use the Brant pool on Wednesdays during recreation for $1.00 per swimmer.  Supervisor Pero seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was taken: Councilman Gier-aye, Supervisor Pero-aye, Councilman Clark-aye,  Councilman Borngraber-aye.  4 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.

Football Field Lights: Should be up by middle of August

Recreation/Day Camp update: 143 campers (107 residents, 36 non residents)  Bus use: 38 Resident, 11 non-residents.

Roof repairs needed for Rec (porch) needed as soon as possible and Sr. Community Bldg. roof should be budgeted for:  A few prices were quoted:
?	Senior Community Bldg.  (quoted approx. $9,800 for metal roof)
?	Rec porch roof:  repaired using shingles $4750.00, repaired using metal $3550.00
Councilman Gier wants to look into getting more prices on the rec porch roof for the next meeting.

Sale of Old Town Hall: Supervisor Pero stated he would like to wait on the sale of the Old Town Hall as he is considering using the property to erect a water station.  Surveys of the area homes would have to be conducted, etc.  This will be discussed at the workshop.  Also, Supervisor Pero stated that the inactive records still in the Old Town Hall will be moved to the New Town Hall on July 12, 2012 at 5:30 PM.

Records to be moved: Supervisor Pero advised that inactive records would be moved from the Old Town Hall on Thursday the 12th of July at 5:30 pm.  (Clerk?s note: project later postponed).

Fire Extinguishers:  Supervisor Pero stated that the Fire Extinguisher inspection was done for the Rec building, highway and Town Hall.  
Appointmenf of Lifeguard: Supervisor Pero moved to appoint Lauren Johengen as lifeguard at the recommendation of Michele Loomis, upon verification of her credentials.  Councilman Clark seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was taken: Supervisor Pero-aye, Councilman Clark-aye, Councilman Gier-abstain, Councilman Borngraber-aye, 3 ayes, 1 abstain.  MOTION CARRIED.


ATV BIDS: Supervisor Pero recapped the bids received for the ATV RFP ?Gugino Lawn & Garden: $8,999.00 / Zahm & Matson: $9,399.00 / Burt?s: $10,540.00 / Pioneer Motorsports: $10,705.00?.  Acknowledging Gugino as the low bidder, Supervisor Pero requested a motion to authorize the Supervisor to sign the contract for the purchase of the unit.  Councilman Gier wants the usage documented with a sign-in sheet stating the reason for use.  Councilman Gier moved to approve the purchase, seconded by Councilman Borngraber.  A roll call vote was taken: Councilman Gier-aye, Councilman Borngraber-aye, Councilman Clark-nay, Supervisor Pero-aye.  3 ayes, 1 nay.  MOTION CARRIED.

eWaste: Supervisor Pero stated that the eWaste collection will now be open once a month on the 4th Saturday starting July 28, 2012 from 9:00 am to noon.

Set date for Town Board Workshop for July 18 @ 6:30 PM: The Town Board will hold a special workshop to discuss issues such as:
?	Solar Panels
?	Sign Regulations
?	Ground Water
?	5 year Capital Improvement Plan, including the park
Planning Board Chairman Ostrowski is asked to be present, along with the balance of the Planning Board.

Motion to set speed limit and no pass zone on Brant Angola Rd.:  The Town Board would like to petition the County to lower the speed limit on Brant Angola Road to 40 MPH and to paint double lines for a no pass zone.  Supervisor Pero moved to approve the petition, seconded by Councilman Clark.  A roll call vote was taken: Supervisor Pero-aye, Councilman Clark-aye, Councilman Gier-aye, Councilman Borngraber-aye.  4 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.

Community Action- Traveling Food Pantry: Supervisor Pero announced that Community Action is asking to bring their traveling food pantry to Town every third Wednesday of the month at the Sr. Community Bldg from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm, for low income families.  Supervisor Pero moved to approve the pantry, and was seconded by Councilman Gier.  A Roll call vote was taken: Supervisor Pero-aye, Councilman Gier-aye, Councilman Clark-aye, Councilman Borngraber-aye.  4 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.

Requesting exemption for ATV use in park: Councilman Kaczmarek requested exemption from the rule of no ATV?s in the park.  Councilman Clark wants to table until Attorney is present.  Councilman Gier wants him to put insurance on the vehicle, and wants a schedule of football dates.  Tabled without vote. 

Letter of resignation from Gina DeMaria: Supervisor Pero read a letter of resignation from Gina DeMaria notifying the Board that will be resigning from her Deputy Town Clerk position effective July 12, 2012.  She wishes to maintain her position with the Brant Justice Court.  Councilman Borngraber moved to accept the resignation regrettably, and was seconded by Councilman Clark.  A roll call vote was taken: Councilman Borngraber-aye, Councilman Clark-aye, Councilman Gier-aye, Supervisor Pero-aye.  4 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.

Town Clerk Request to appoint back-up Deputy Town Clerk:  As a result of the resignation of Gina DeMaria, the Town Clerk requests the appointment of Lynda Ostrowski as back-up Deputy Town Clerk to fill in on an as needed basis.  Supervisor Pero motioned to approve the appointment, seconded by Councilman Gier.  A roll call vote was taken: Supervisor Pero-aye, Councilman Gier-aye, Councilman Clark-aye, Councilman Borngraber-aye.  4 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.


?	Brant Summer fest update: Supervisor announced the Brant Summer festival was a success with an attendance of approximately 2,000.  He thanked the Farnham and Angola Fire Departments for participating in the Water Ball game.  He thanked the Brant Fire Co. and Lawtons Fire Co. for participating in the Parade.  He also thanked Goia, Pat & Billy Friend, Pero?s, Lynda Ostrowski, Lake Shore Youth Football, Chad Kaczmarek and Pat Granica for helping to make the event successful.


Supervisor Pero
?	Supervisor Pero mentioned that he couldn?t see proceeding with Phase II of the Park expansion without first obtaining the Grant money from Phase I.  Therefore we cannot use the donated assistance from Local 17 at this time.
?	Weather Station installation project has been cancelled.  
?	Municipal Garage electric: Electricians will put together a material list for the project
?	Attended 20 meetings in the month of June.
Councilman Gier:
?	Pool ladder is in and installed.  He is looking into the mulch needed for the playground areas.  Town Park chips are very high and he is shopping around.
Councilman Borngraber:
?	Addressed issues with the Grounds maintenance contractor.  Expects that things will be better by the August meeting.  Supervisor Pero mentioned that the area at the opening of the new entrance was not originally part of the Park Maintenance and was separately deeded.  Councilman Borngraber quoted the portions of the contract that states the park entrance and he therefore feels this area should be kept mowed.
Councilman Clark:
?	Mentioned that the Town received a 35% discount on the paint for the pool house.
?	He is eager for the Workshop to discuss items for the 5 year plan such as Power at the Park.  

Recognized Privilege of the Floor:

Joseph Ostrowski: Recently attended planning & zoning training where they mentioned that Towns should review their existing Master Plans every 5-7 years.  He recommended the Town Board review the Town?s Master Plan since it hasn?t been done since 2003.  He suggests setting up a Committee to review it.  Supervisor Pero will add the Master Plan to be discussed at the workshop.

Ron Kobel: Asked what is the ATV for?  Answers given by Councilman Borngraber, Supervisor Pero and Councilman Gier: To be used in the Park by Park employees, Transport Chlorine to pool, moving picnic tables, Police search and rescue, highway dept, work on walking path, spraying of herbicides, etc.

Debra Ritz:  Stated that the procurement policy was not followed for the purchase, and that the Town took possession of the vehicle on the 13th of June without first voting on the purchase.  Supervisor Pero responded this was not true.   He explained that Gugino allowed the Town to use it for the Brant Festival, and Highway Superintendent Joe Giambrone signed for it like any other piece of equipment borrowed.  Prior to using it, he also made sure the Town?s insurance would cover it.  Debra asked if he called the other Board members to ask permission.  Supervisor Pero replied absolutely.  Ritz stated the special meeting called on June 22nd was for the ATV.  Councilman Clark stated the meeting was not for the pool ladder.  Councilman Borngraber replied that when he was called about the meeting, he was told it was for the pool ladder and ATV.


?	Supervisor Pero stated the sales tax revenue was up 2.51% over last year.
?	A thank you letter from Herman Ciminesi was read by the Supervisor.

Approval of Abstract 7 of 2012:

*Prepaid and unpaid as of July 10, 2012
Gen Fund Town wide Vouchers pd #305-319, unpd#320-383 Totaling: $35,206.09
Gen Fund ? Part Town Voucher, pre-pd NONE, unpd #17-23, (deleted 21 dup) Totaling: $9,433.70 
Highway T.W. Vouchers pd#61-63, Totaling: $ 87.99
Highway P.T. Vouchers, pd 9 & 10, unpd #11-16, Totaling: $40,833.48
Fire Protection: Vouchers # 2 & 3, totaling: $106,519.00
Street lighting: Voucher  unpd, #6:   $2,059.36
Lotus Bay Sewer Dist 1: none
Brant Farnham Sewer Dist: Voucher:  none
Brant Water Dist 1: pd #2, Totaling: $16,457.50
Special Grant Fund: NONE
Capital Projects: Vouchers: NONE

General Town Wide Payroll 06/03/12- 06/30/12 Totaling: $37,433.88
General Part Town Payroll 06/03/12- 06/30/12 Totaling: $587.94
Highway Payroll TW 06/03/12- 06/30/12  Totaling: $4,420.78
Highway Payroll PT 06/03/12- 06/30/12 Totaling: $4,070.81

Councilman Clark motioned to accept Abstract #7 of 2012 as read, and was seconded by Councilman Gier.   A Roll Call vote was taken: Councilman Clark-aye, Councilman Gier-aye, Councilman Borngraber-aye, Supervisor Pero-aye.  4 ayes, 0 nays.  MOTION CARRIED.

Supervisor Pero motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:11 pm in memory of Resident John O?Donnell, and was seconded by the balance of the Town Board.  MOTION CARRIED.

Respectfully submitted by,

Barbara J Daniel
Brant Town Clerk