ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR 2011 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE CONTRACT TOWN OF BRANT ERIE COUNTY, NEW YORK Sealed bids for the 2011 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE CONTRACT for the Town of Brant, Erie County, will be received by the Brant Town Clerk, until 2:00 PM local time on March 29th, 2011 at the Brant Town Hall, 1294 Brant-North Collins Road, Brant, New York 14027, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read. Specifications are available at the Town Clerks Office during normal business hours or online at [url=][/url] Bidders are notified that work may be subject to NYS Prevailing Wage Laws. The Town of Brant reserves the right to reject or accept any and all bids. By Order of the Brant Town Board Thea A. Ells, Brant Town Clerk FOR BID SPECS VISIT: [url=][/url]