NOTICE OF THE 2008 MEETINGS OF THE BRANT TOWN BOARD This is to advise that the BRANT TOWN BOARD resolved to hold their regular Board Meetings each month on the Second Tuesday of each month, with the exception of the November meeting. The dates of these meetings are listed below: ALL MEETINGS WILL BEGIN AT 7:30 PM: JANUARY 8, 2008 - FEBRUARY 12, 2008 - MARCH 11, 2008 ? APRIL 8, 2008 ? MAY 13, 2008 - JUNE 10, 2008 - JULY 8, 2008 - AUGUST 12, 2008 ? SEPTEMBER 9, 2008 - OCTOBER 14, 2008 ? WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2008 - DECEMBER 9, 2008 ALL meetings will be held in the Brant Town Hall, located at 1294 Brant-N. Collins Rd., Brant, New York, unless otherwise posted. WORK SESSIONS WILL BE HELD @ 7:00 PM, 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO MONTHLY MEETINGS AND AS NEEDED Regular Monthly meetings may be omitted or dates changed where a conflict of such regular meeting exists with Holidays or other official business or call of the Supervisor. All other meetings shall be at the call of the Supervisor, the time and place to be announced by Supervisor and or notice of such meeting posted. Please call the Town Clerks Office for information and or check our web- site at The posting of this notice and advising the legal newspaper, complies with Article 7 of the Public Officers Law?.relating to open meetings. BY ORDER OF THE Brant Town Board Thea A. Ells Brant Town Clerk January 4th, 2008