TOWN OF BRANT PLANNING MINUTES For meeting held TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2006 1294 Brant-North Collins Road Brant, New York 14027 Planning Board Meeting Joseph Gardyjan, Chairman IN ATTENDANCE: Joseph Gardyjan Michelle Hy Phillip Pericak Neal Wilson Joyce Ellis Tom Gerace Brenda Giacchino ALSO ATTENDED BY: Robert Turnbull Tom Banzer (Brant Auto) Michael Daniel (Michael Daniel Used Cars) At 7:12 PM, the Meeting was called to order by Planning Board Chairman Joseph Gardyjan. Since the last meeting held in September was a Work session, there were no official minutes to approve. OLD BUSINESS. NOISE ORDINANCE. The board began their meeting reviewing the proposed Noise Ordinance law draft. After review the board requested that verbiage be added to the paragraph entitled ?SOUND-AMPLIFYING EQUIPMENT? The added verbiage shall state ?Sound Amplifying Equipment shall include vehicles emitting amplified sound systems?. Neal Wilson motioned to request the additional verbiage be added, and Brenda Giacchino seconded the motion. All accepted, motion passed. MOTOR DRIVEN VEHICLES. The board then reviewed the draft of the proposed Motor Driven Vehicle law. Phil Pericak asked why snowmobiles were not listed as a motor driven vehicle. The board agreed that snowmobiles should be added to the law to prevent someone from crossing other people?s property while using them. Also, the board noticed that Letter H of the draft doesn?t specify what happens if a person has less than 2-1/2 acres. Does that mean they can only drive 1 ATV or dirt bike at a time? The board wants the law to clarify this. Based upon the recommendations of this board, Neal Wilson motioned to accept the draft with the changes proposed and Brenda Giacchino seconded the motion. All approved, motion passed. NEW BUSINESS: At this time, the board began to hear the application of a Mr. Robert Turnbull who had filled out an application (during the meeting) for the building of a new home on a piece of property owned by his parents. He did not have completed paperwork or plans for the board. Mr. Turnbull?s permit application was denied by Gary Brecker for ?Lack of Frontage? as was written on a note from Gary (See Attached). He explained that he wished to keep the frontage agricultural and planned to build in the center of the parcel, off the frontage. No paperwork was presented to the board and no denied permit was received. The board asked various questions of Mr. Turnbull and all realized that the plans would just require a ?Right of way? be part of the variance application process. Then all members mentioned that based upon what Mr. Turnbull explanation of the plans, they approved of the request. However, Mr. Turnbull was advised that he must check with the Code Officer Gary Brecker to proceed if a variance application was needed. If so, it would be a requirement before he could build. The applicant was instructed to contact the Code Officer to begin the process. Applicant informed the secretary of the board that he would then submit the completed application at a later date. Phil Pericak motioned to accept the application for variance and Tom Gerace seconded the motion. All approved. RETURN TO OLD BUSINESS. WIND GENERATORS. Mr. Gardyjan explained that the draft was currently unfinished and that he had not received an update as to the status of the new Wind Generator draft as of this meeting. BILLBOARDS & SIGNS. The Planning Board discussed the law proposed for billboards & signs in Brant. It was mentioned that the Moratorium on Billboards had expired in September 2006. The board noted that it would be requested that any new law exempt agricultural signs. Tom Banzer of Brant Auto asked about having a billboard in Brant. He requested a copy of the current Sign Law in the Brant Code Book. Mr. Banzer was told to come the following day to pick up a copy of the laws regulating signs in Brant. Mr. Bazer never showed up to retrieve the copies. Joseph Gardyjan motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 PM. Joyce Ellis seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted Barbara Daniel Planning Board Secretary